
Times couldn’t be trickier right now. But do you know what? It’s also a time for opportunity. More people are at home practising social distancing and isolating, which means a LOT more time is being spent on social media.

In fact, time spent on the Facebook platform is skyrocketing. Stats* direct from Facebook have for example, reported a massive +70% increase in time spent across the Facebook apps in Italy. This stat is likely to be similar here in the UK, which means, for the businesses that can still make it work, there’s a massive opportunity to be had.

The cost of ads has fallen (as so many businesses have paused their ads), which means less competition for you, and more eyeballs on your stuff.

This means that Facebook is one of the most important channels you should be leveraging right now. It’s working well for those retailing online, restaurants, takeaways, coaches, online classes and educational programmes, to pick out a few!

But the real question is, would you like to get seen on Facebook? What would it mean to you to increase your business by 20%, 50%, 100%+?

Contact me at laura@thepracticalmarketingacademy.com for your free 15 minute telephone chat. I work with small businesses all around the UK, helping promote them on Facebook. I carry out complete ‘done for you’ Facebook marketing packages to generate website sales, drive Facebook Message enquiries, secure webinar sign ups, fill course places or simply to just increase website traffic. Whatever your business, and your objectives, I’ll give you my expert insight and advice, and you can see if we’d be a good fit to work together.

Speak soon!